Hang Ten
The Cramps
on your
The Cramps timeline
The Cramps timeline shows a playlist of The Cramps‘ entire career in video and audio files in chronological order – very similar to my Ramones timeline.
Nearly all these videos can be found on YouTube or Vimeo and are hosted by YouTube or Vimeo. There may be dead links when videos are no longer available for whatever reason – sorry!
THANKS to all the tapers and uploaders!
Jul 09, 2023: 2003-xx-xx – Arte Tracks: The Cramps (French)
– 2003-xx-xx – Arte Tracks: The Cramps (German)
Jul 23, 2023: 1981-06-13 – Paradiso, Amsterdam, Netherlands (full show)
– 1981-12-xx – Hideaway Park, Bethlehem, PA, USA (audio only)
– 1986-04-03 – Paradiso, Amsterdam, Netherlands (audio only)
– 1990-06-24 – MTV 120 Minutes with Dave Kendall, London, England (broadcast date)
– 1995-01-28 – Soma, San Diego, CA, USA
– 1986-05-18 – Interview, Rennes, France (date and location probably)
– 2003-09-26 or 27 – London Astoria, London, England (Surfin‘ Bird)
Aug 04, 2023: 1979-02-01 – Keystone Club, Palo Alto, CA, USA (KFAT-FM radio broadcast recording, audio only)
– 1979-08-18 – Club 57 Irving Plaza NYC (FM broadcast, bootleg Weekend on Mars, audio only)
– 1980-03-13 – The Stone, San Francisco, CA, USA (simulcast on KTIM, bootleg Black Leather, audio only)
– 1980-04-19 – The Venue – London, England – Louie, Louie (audio only)
– 1980-04-19 – The Venue – London, England – Venue 1980 Bootleg (4 tracks, audio only)
Sep 05, 2023: 1979-08-18 – Club 57 Irving Plaza NYC (FM broadcast, recorded off the radio on reel to reel, audio only)
– 1994-11-25 – TV Late Night with Conan O’Brien, Studio 6A, NBC Studios, New York, New York, USA
Oct 08, 2024: 1990-02-27 – Brixton Academy, London, England (broadcast on ‚Snub TV‘ on British TV on 19 March 1990)

February 20, 1976: Lux & Ivy meet Bryan Gregory
June 76: First line up complete: Lux Interior, Poison Ivy, Bryan Gregory and Pam Balam (Gregory's sister)
1976: Ivy buys her first Lewis guitar on 48th Street in New York City
Summer 76: Rehearsals at Musical Maze, NYC (Pam on drums, released on „How to make a Monster“)
September 76: Miriam Linna replaces Pam Balam
October 76: Rehearsals at W. 39th Street loft, NYC (Miriam on drums, released on „How to make a Monster“)
November 1, 1976: Debut at CBGB's
1977-01-xx - Max's Kansas City, New York, NY, USA (Hurricane Fighter Plane, audio only)
1977-xx-xx - CBGB's, NYC, NY, USA (soundcheck, at 1:13 min)
1977-xx-xx - CBGB's, NYC, NY, USA (Amos Poe's The Foreigner, The Erasers scene)
1977-07-xx - Demo Session, Richard Robinson, recorded at Bell Sound, NYC, drums Miriam Linna (8 tracks, audio only)
A gig list of that line up and a detailled view on The Cramps‘ first year can be found at Miriam Linna’s blog.
July 77: Nick Knox replaces Miriam Linna
October 77: Recording "Gravest Hits", Ardent Studios, Memphis
1978-01-13 - CBGB's, NYC, USA (as Frank Furter and The Hot Dog, audio only)
1978-04-01 - CBGB's 2nd Avenue Theater, New York, NY, USA (silent movie excerpt)
1978-06-13 - Napa State Mental Hospital, Napa, CA, USA
1978-07-04 - Peter Ball's July 4th Mansion Party, Peter Ball's family mansion, Bratenahl, Ohio, USA (audio only)
October 78: single "Human Fly" released
February 79: recording demos at Hot House Studios, NYC, produced by Chris Spedding
July 79: "Gravest Hits" released
July 79: recording "Songs The Lord Taught Us" at Sam Phillips Studios in Memphis, Tennessee
Summer 79: recording demos in Akron, Ohio
1979-07-xx - Ohio Demo's, Akron, Ohio, USA (audio only)
1979-08-13 - The Edge Club, Toronto, Canada (Love Me, audio only)
1979-08-13 - The Edge Club, Toronto, Canada (The Natives Are Restless (early live version), audio only)
1979-08-18 - Club 57 Irving Plaza NYC (FM broadcast, bootleg Weekend on Mars, audio only)
1979-08-18 - Club 57 Irving Plaza NYC (FM broadcast, recorded off the radio on reel to reel, audio only)
March 80: "Songs The Lord Taught Us" released
March–May 80: Songs the Lord Taught Us European Tour
1980-03-13 - The Stone, San Francisco, CA, USA – 1/4 (simulcast on KTIM, bootleg Black Leather, audio only)
1980-03-13 - The Stone, San Francisco, CA, USA – 2/4 (simulcast on KTIM, bootleg Black Leather, audio only)
1980-03-13 - The Stone, San Francisco, CA, USA – 3/4 (simulcast on KTIM, bootleg Black Leather, audio only)
1980-03-13 - The Stone, San Francisco, CA, USA – 4/4 (simulcast on KTIM, bootleg Black Leather, audio only)
1980-04-02 - Palalido, Milan, Italy (audio only)
1980-04-06 - Easter Rock Festival, Deutschlandhalle, Berlin, Germany (audio only)
1980-04-19 - The Venue - London, England – Louie, Louie (audio only)
1980-04-19 - The Venue - London, England – Venue 1980 Bootleg (4 tracks, audio only)
May–September 80: Songs the Lord Taught Us Tour
Summer 80: Julien Griensnatch replaces Brian Gregory
September 23, 1980: "Drug Train" (single) released
November 80: Kid Kongo Powers replaces Julien Griensnatch
January 81: recording "Psychedelic Jungle" at A&M Studios, Hollywood, California
May 81: "Psychedelic Jungle" released
1981-05-08 - Emerald City, Cherry Hill, NJ, USA
1981-05-10 - The Mudd Club, New York, NY, USA (Paul Tschinkel's Inner Tube)
1981-06-13 - Paradiso, Amsterdam, Netherlands (full show)
1981-06-13 - Paradiso, Amsterdam, Netherlands (New Kind Of Kick)
1981-06-13 - Paradiso, Amsterdam, Netherlands (Human Fly)
1981-06-17 - l'Ubu, Rennes, France
1981-06-26 - City Gardens, NJ, USA
1981-07-07 - Crazy Al's, Indianapolis, IN, USA (audio only)
1981-11-06 - On Broadway, San Francisco, CA, USA (audio only)
1981-11-06 - On Broadway, San Francisco, CA, USA (Goo Goo Muck)
1981-11-06 - On Broadway, San Francisco, CA, USA (She Said)
1981-12-xx - Hideaway Park, Bethlehem, PA, USA (audio only)
Mid 1982: Terry Graham replaces Nick Knox temporarily (eye surgery)
1982-07(?)-xx - A&M Studio, Hollywood, CA, USA (Call Of The Wighat, audio only)
1982-07(?)-xx - A&M Studio, Hollywood, CA, USA (Five Years Ahead of My Time, audio only)
1982-07(?)-xx - A&M Studio, Hollywood, CA, USA (Sinner, audio only)
1982-07(?)-xx - A&M Studio, Hollywood, CA, USA (Hanky Panky, audio only)
Autumn 1982: Nick Knox back
February 25–26, 1983: "Smell of Female" recorded at The Peppermint Lounge in New York City
October 83: Ike Knox replaces Kid Kongo Powers
1983: Ivy buys her second Lewis guitar in Vancouver
April–July 1984: Smell of Female Tour
1984-04-16 - The I-Beam, San Francisco, CA, USA
1984-04-24 - Golden Crown, Seattle, WA, USA (Faster Pussycat, audio only)
1984-05-19 - Peppermint Lounge, NYC, NY, USA (audio only)
1984-05-23 - Haçienda, Manchester, England
1984-05-28 - The Hammersmith Palais, London, England (audio only)
1984-06-06 - Collectors Choice, Kid Jensen interview (audio only)
1984-06-06 - L'Eldorado, Paris, France (audio only, Most Exalted Potentate of Love)
1984-06-06 - L'Eldorado, Paris, France (audio only, Sinners)
1984-06-06 - L'Eldorado, Paris, France (audio only, Bacon Fat)
1984-06-06 - L'Eldorado, Paris, France (audio only, Domino)
1984-06-06 - L'Eldorado, Paris, France (audio only, I Ain't Nuthin' But A Gorehound)
1984-06-06 - L'Eldorado, Paris, France (audio only, Zombie Dance)
1984-06-06 - L'Eldorado, Paris, France (audio only, What's Inside a Girl)
1984-06-06 - L'Eldorado, Paris, France (audio only, Faster Pussycat)
1984-06-06 - L'Eldorado, Paris, France (audio only, Psychotic Reaction)
1984-06-06 and 07 – L’Eldorado, Paris, France (a photo gallery at facebook)
June 6, 1984: The first Lewis guitar gets smashed in the after show riots
October 84: Ike Knox leaves
October 84: Recording "Surfin' Dead" (Ivy on bass)
September 85: Recording "Can Your Pussy Do the Dog?" (first trying Touch Hazard on bass, then Ivy did it) at Ocean Way Studios in Hollywood, California
Fall 1985: Recording "A Date with Elvis" (Ivy on bass) at Ocean Way Studios in Hollywood, California
November 85: single "Can Your Pussy Do the Dog?" released
February 86: "A Date with Elvis" released
March 05–May 86: A Date with Elvis Tour 1986 – Fur Dixon on Bass (3 months, 58 gigs)
1986-03-07 - live on Channel 4's Live music show 'The Tube', Newcastle, England
1986-03-11 - Janice Long Session (BBC), England (4 tracks, audio only)
1986-03-15 - Hammersmith Palais, London, England (audio only)
1986-03-23 - Empire Theatre, Edinburgh, Scottland
1986-04-01 - Bourges, France
1986-04-03 - Paradiso, Amsterdam, Netherlands (audio only)
1986-04-08 - Saltlageret Copenhagen, Denmark (audio only)
1986-04-14 - Metropol, Berlin, Germany
1986-04-17 - Batschkapp, Frankfurt, Germany (audio only)
April 18, 1986: single "What's inside a Girl?" released
June 86: Candy del Mar on Bass
August 27, 1986: Recording "RockinnReelininAucklandNewZealandXXX" at the Galaxy in Auckland, New Zealand
no concerts
1987: "RockinnReelininAucklandNewZealandXXX" released
no concerts until Halloween
October 1988: recording of "Stay Sick" starts at the Music Grinder studio, Hollywood
Halloween Party Tour: San Diego, LA, Isla Vista, San Francisco (Oct 31)
no concerts
March 89: recording "King Of the Drapes", "Teenage Rage", "High School Hellcats"
January 90: single "Bikini Girls with Machine Guns" released
February 12, 1990: "Stay Sick" released
1990-02-27 - Brixton Academy, London, England (broadcast on 'Snub TV' on British TV on 19 March 1990)
1990-02-27 (or 28) - Brixton Academy, London, England
1990-02-27 (or 28) - MTV UK edition of week in rock, London, England (broadcast March 1990)
1990-05-02 - Provinssirock, Törnävä, Seinäjoki, Finland (begin of show, Ivy having problems with the Strat; Greasy Chicken/Goo Goo Muck)
1990-05-02 - Provinssirock, Törnävä, Seinäjoki, Finland (Ivy playing a Fender Stratocaster, Gretsch lost during transport)
1990-06-24 - MTV 120 Minutes with Dave Kendall, London, England (broadcast date)
1990-11-xx - Countdown Revolution, Metro, Melbourne, Australia (Creature From The Black Leather Lagoon)
Early 91: Nick Knox and Candy del Mar leave – Slim Chance (bass) and Jim Sclavunos (drums) join
Summer 91: Nickey Alexander replaces Jim Sclavunos
June 21–July 14, 1991: recording "Look Mom No Head!" at Ocean Way Studios in Hollywood
October 91–March 92: Look Mom no Head! Tour
November 91: "Look Mom No Head!" released
Early 93: Harry Drumdini replaces Nickey Alexander
1993-08-15 - Cult Ya Festival, Waldbühne Northeim, Germany (Surfin' Bird)
1993-08-15 - Cult Ya Festival, Waldbühne Northeim, Germany (Shortnin' Bread)
1993-08-15 - Cult Ya Festival, Waldbühne Northeim, Germany (Muleskinner Blues)
1993-08-15 - Cult Ya Festival, Waldbühne Northeim, Germany (Mystery Plane, Her Love Rubbed Off)
1993-08-15 - Cult Ya Festival, Waldbühne Northeim, Germany (TV Set, The Crusher)
95: single "Naked Girl Falling Down The Stairs" released
1995-xx-xx - video: Naked Girl Falling Down The Stairs
1995-01-28 - Soma, San Diego, CA, USA
1995-02-25 - Brixton Academy, London, England
1995-03-10 - live French tv Canal+ 'Nulle Part Ailleurs' (Ultra Twist + interview)
1995-06-11 - Luna Park Cones Island, New York City, New York, USA, from 'The Times' Cable TV (air date; some clips + interview)
1995-11-30 - The Black Cat, Washington DC, USA
May 97: recording "Big Beat from Badsville" at Earle's Psychedelic Shack, Thousand Oaks, California
97: "Big Beat from Badsville" released
98: Doran Shelley replaces Slim Chance
February–June 1998: Big Beat From Badsville Tour
1998-04-26 - Zeche Karl, Essen, Germany (Goo Goo Muck)
1998-04-26 - Zeche Karl, Essen, Germany (Human Fly)
1998-04-26 - Zeche Karl, Essen, Germany (I Was A Teenage Werewolf)
1998-04-26 - Zeche Karl, Essen, Germany (Can Your Pussy Do The Dog?)
1998-04-26 - Zeche Karl, Essen, Germany (Surfin' Bird)
1998-05-08 - Dom Sportova, Zagreb, Croatia (part 1)
1998-05-08 - Dom Sportova, Zagreb, Croatia (part 2)
1998-05-08 - Dom Sportova, Zagreb, Croatia (part 3)
1998-05-15 - London Astoria, London, England
1998-xx-xx - Interview & Video Clips, New Music Show
99: Sugarpie Jones replaces Doran Shelley (until 2000)
August 02: Chopper Franklin replaces Sugarpie Jones
August 02: recording "Fiends of Dope Island" in Hollywood
03: "Fiends of Dope Island" released
August 03: Jim Chandler replaces Harry Drumdini (until November)
04: "How to Make a Monster" released
June 04: Buster Bateman joins on drums
July 06: Harry Drumdini replaces Buster Bateman
2006 European Tour
2006-08-09 - Lokerse Feesten, Belgium
2006-08-11 - Oyafestivalen, Oslo, Norway
2006-08-11 - Oyafestivalen, Oslo, Norway (Mad Daddy, Rock On The Moon, The Way I Walk)
2006-08-11 - Oyafestivalen, Oslo, Norway (Hanky Panky)
2006-08-11 - Oyafestivalen, Oslo, Norway (Hang Up)
2006-08-11 - Oyafestivalen, Oslo, Norway (Fissure of Rolando)
2006-08-11 - Oyafestivalen, Oslo, Norway (Papa Satan Sang Louie)
2006-08-11 - Oyafestivalen, Oslo, Norway (Big Black Witchcraft Rock)
2006-08-11 - Oyafestivalen, Oslo, Norway (It Thing Hard-On)
2006-08-11 - Oyafestivalen, Oslo, Norway (Primitive)
2006-08-11 - Oyafestivalen, Oslo, Norway (Caveman, Let's Get Fucked Up)
2006-08-11 - Oyafestivalen, Oslo, Norway (Dames, Booze, Chains & Boots)
2006-08-11 - Oyafestivalen, Oslo, Norway (TV Set)
2006-08-11 - Oyafestivalen, Oslo, Norway (Psychotic Reaction)
2006-08-11 - Oyafestivalen, Oslo, Norway (Wrong Way Ticket)
2006-08-11 - Oyafestivalen, Oslo, Norway (The Way I Walk)
2006-08-11 - Oyafestivalen, Oslo, Norway (Tear It Up)
2006-08-15 - London Astoria, London, England (part 1)
2006-08-15 - London Astoria, London, England (part 2)
2006-08-15 - London Astoria, London, England (part 3)
2006-08-15 - London Astoria, London, England (part 4)
2006-08-15 - London Astoria, London, England (part 5)
2006-08-15 - London Astoria, London, England (part 6)
2006-08-15 - London Astoria, London, England (part 7)
October 06: Sean Yseult replaces Chopper Franklin for the last 8 shows
November 04, 2006: last show at Marquee Theatre, Tempe, AZ, USA
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Thanks to all the uploaders.
last modification: October 08, 2024